Game Development with Unity
Two-Week Workshop, Dates Offered:
Session 2 (7/7/25 – 7/18/24)
Session 4 (8/4/25 – 8/15/24)
Tuition: $1999 $1599.20 off with code EARLYBIRD_25
As a game engine, Unity is a powerful tool professional developers have used for many years to bring their projects to life. Hit games built with this versatile engine include titles such as Cuphead, Hollow Knight, and Pokémon Go. Developers using Unity must leverage an array of powerful functions to create vibrant, engaging games like these.
This workshop for Innovators gives students an overview of Unity and covers the entire game design and development process with added instruction as they transition from creating 2D games to 3D games. Instructors will guide students through the entire process to ensure aspiring amateur developers or soon-to-be professional developers have a great base of knowledge to start with.
By the end of the course, students will have the ability to design and iterate their very own game which they can continue and develop and refine at home.
Projects in this workshop may include: Creating multiple, simple enemy agents for their game and developing a 3D-platformer game.

Each day [my children] come home asking, begging, pleading to keep doing what they were doing at camp.
- Core engagement principles
- Designing and developing game systems
- Designing and developing characters and cameras
- C# programming language
- Unity game engine
- Visual Studio Community
- This workshop’s curriculum has been reviewed by a panel of college-level faculty from DigiPen Institute of Technology to ensure its relevance and appropriateness for students aged 14–18.
- As with every Open World workshop, a special visit by an industry guest has been arranged to help students see the connection between their workshop and real-world careers.
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